Warshaw interviewed by Carole Carson from Fat2Fit about Hi-maize Resistant Starch

Carole Carson, described by the Wall Street Journal as "an apostle for fitness" interviewed Warshaw about resistant starch, and specifically Hi-maize resistant starch manufacturered by her client National Starch Food Innovation. Carole posted her article: For Weight Loss and Better Health, Should You Include Hi-maize Resistant Starch in Your Diet? today (3/8/11) on her blog.

November 18, 2010

Focus in on Fibers for the Health of Them

Do you eat enough fibers (yes fibers) each and every day? If you’re not eating those five (or more) servings of fruits and vegetables, making at least half your servings of grains whole (grain and wheat) and sneaking in servings of legumes, then it’s doubtful you’re getting your fill of fibers.


Warshaw quoted by WebMD on Carb Lover's Diet and Resistant Starch

In Diet Review: The Carb Lover's Diet, Kathleen Zelman, MPH, RD, LD, Director of Nutrition for WebMD quotes Warshaw about her take on The Carb Lover's Diet, a diet that's been in the news and hit the New York Times bestseller list. Warshaw also comments on the importance of healthy carbs including resistant starch.

Warshaw quoted in July/Aug Sat. Eve Post about Resistant Starch "A New Type of Fiber"

Warshaw is quoted in the July/Aug issue of Saturday Evening Post in an article titled "A New Type of Fiber" which features the benefits of resistant starch and the ingredient Hi-maize. Hi-maize is a natural high amylose corn form of resistant starch manufactured by National Starch Food Innovation, a client of Warshaw's. Warshaw discusses the digestion of resistant starch and the resulting health benefits.

Warshaw quoted in U.S. News and World Report Fiber Story

Warshaw quoted as author of Real Life Guide to Diabetes and consultant to National Starch Food Innovation, manufacturers of Hi-maize natural resistant starch from high-amylose corn, in sidebar titled Fiber Sources: Soluble, Insoluble and Beyond.

Resistant Starch Q&A

Get answers to questions about resistant starch in this interview on Resistantstarch.com