September 3, 2008

Camping with Fruits and Veggies in Tow

Now back home from an extended (and delightful) camping vacation in the great and grand National Parks out west, I'm pleased to note that one can still tank up on those 5+ servings of fruits and vegetables even when food selection is narrowed down to what fits in the cooler and the dry box. As they say, where there's a will, there's a way!

A few discoveries along the trail:

June 17, 2008

Eat Even More Fabulous Fiber

Key learnings from my recent attendance at the American Diabetes Association meeting are sinking in. One clear take away on the nutrition front is the push to eat more fiber for all its health benefits including disease prevention, increased satiety, help with weight control and more.

May 30, 2008

Year 1, Week 2 – Sharing in Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)

Fresh, crisp and dirt-laden salad greens, crunchy baby bok choy, red radishes with the greens still attached and garden green snow peas…a sampling of items in my bag of goodies delivered by a local Virginia farmer. We’ve begun to enjoy the harvest from a share in community supported agriculture. Our local farmer sends an alert with the items to expect along with recipes and preparation pointers. Each week will be a surprise and will teach us the growing seasons for varied produce. Best yet, we'll relish the tastes of just picked.

February 29, 2008

Skinny vs. Healthy - Warshaw's interview with

Skinny vs. Healthy

The following is the interview Amy Tenderich of, award winning blogger posted on 2/26/08

February 22, 2008

How low should blood glucose go?

How low should blood glucose go? Recent news from two large studies in people (~ 10,000 each) with type 2 diabetes—the ACCORD and ADVANCE trials—raised this question…yet again. Perspective is pertinent! It’s well known that managing type 2 diabetes is not only about blood glucose control. It’s also about treating blood pressure (goal: <130/80) and blood lipids (LDL: <100 or less) to into the healthy zone.

January 30, 2008

Tobacco-Free Zones: Why not Junk Food Free Zones, Portion Controlled Zones?

No doubt both first- and second-hand smoke from tobacco is a health hazard. Also, no doubt that exposure, in a smoke filled environment, to second-hand smoke cannot be selectively avoided, unless you avoid the setting. Not the case when it comes to food.


Resistant Starch Q&A

Get answers to questions about resistant starch in this interview on

Healthier Eating: The Leaner Side of Red Meat

Read my article in Winter 2007's Diabetic Living Magazine.

Click here to open the pdf.
