Quotes & Articles

Warshaw’s June Washington Post Nutrition Q&A: High-Fructose Corn Syrup vs. Sugar

Warshaw’s June Washington Post Nutrition Q&A explores the hot nutrition question: Is high fructose corn syrup more dangerous to your health than sugar? To sort fact from fiction Warshaw synthesizes the research to date and offers readers realistic advice to achieve the key dietary guideline – eat less added sugars.


Warshaw’s September Washington Post Nutrition Q&A: Getting Fiber From Whole Grains

Warshaw’s September Washington Post Nutrition Q&A column sorts out the confusion between fiber and whole grains. It answers these questions: Do all whole grains contain dietary fiber? What other foods contain fiber?  She includes practical pointers for supermarket visits, home meal preparation and restaurant eating. 

Warshaw authors Can Bean Consumption Slow the Progression of Prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes? for Dry Beans Quarterly Newsletter

In the summer issue of Dry Beans Quarterly from The Bean Institute, Warshaw reviews the evidence on: Can Bean Consumption Slow the Progression of Prediabetes or Type 2 Diabetes?  For various reasons, essentially the health benefits of beans, sufficient consumption of beans and legumes as part of a healthy eating plan could slow progression of prediabetes.

Warshaw’s July Washington Post Nutrition Q&A: Same Diet, But He’s Losing and She’s Not

Warshaw’s July Washington Post Nutrition Q&A column responds to why a woman might not lose as much weight as her male significant other eating the same foods. To answer this question Warshaw addresses the science of ‘calories in and calories out’ and provides practical pointers on creating a healthy food environment in any household.

Warshaw explores Human Factors: A New Concept in Medical Devices in Insulet’s Summer CPT Corner Newsletter

In the summer issue of Insulet’s CPT Corner newsletter for certified pump trainers, Warshaw interviews Insulet’s Connie Chitwood-Vu, MS, RD, CDE to learn about the concept of human factors/usability engineering or ‘HFE’ in medical device testing. The article shares how HFE played a role in the FDA’s clearance of the new OmniPod.

Warshaw interviewed by colleague Dr. Susan Mitchell on How to Stop Prediabetes in Its Tracks

Warshaw joined her nutrition colleague Dr. Susan Mitchell in How to Stop Prediabetes in Its Tracks  to discuss the latest statistics on prediabetes in America. Warshaw offered listeners ways to slow down or reverse the progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes. She also shared the best foods listeners with prediabetes should eat. 

Warshaw explores the question Life After Weight Loss Surgery: Can it Cure Type 2 Diabetes? in Diabetic Living magazine

Warshaw wrote article Life After Weight Loss Surgery: Can it Cure Type 2 Diabetes? for Diabetic Living magazine. Warshaw traces one women’s extraordinarily successful experience as she lost over 300 pounds along with her type 2 diabetes.

Warshaw Offers 8 Actions to Take if You Have Prediabetes for Diabetic Living

Warshaw wrote article 8 Actions to Take If You Have Prediabetes on Diabetic Living Online, published in the summer 2013 issue of Diabetic Living magazine. The article address actions that the nearly 80 million Americans with prediabetes could take to prevent or slow their likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes and be healthier as well. 

Warshaw writes update for Diabetic Living on Continuous Glucose Monitoring

Warshaw wrote the article titled Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Diabetic Living’s website which was also published in the Spring 2013 issue of Diabetic Living magazine. Warshaw provided an update on the advancement in continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology. 

Warshaw Assists TIME Healthland website with Slide Show on Tips for Healthier Restaurant Eating

In slide show titled, 'Tis the Season to Pack On Pounds: Tips for Healthier Holiday Eating, for TIME's Healthland website Warshaw provides quotes and health tips to eat healthier fast food meals. Warshaw assisted the editor in conceptualizing the focus of the slide show content about healthier restaurant eating, choosing the restaurants and providing the nutritional data.
