October 12, 2010

Book Review: Living Well with Diabetes (The African American Guide)

This is one in a series of book reviews. You may find these books beneficial you if you: manage prediabetes or diabetes, follow a diabetes meal plan and/or try to eat healthier to stay healthy. These reviews also appear on amazon.com. The books can be found in my amazon a-store. Please check them out.

Brown Riggs book coverLiving Well with Diabetes (The African American Guide), written by Constance Brown-Riggs, MSEd, RD, CDE, covers diabetes as a whole, from what it is, through medications, complications, and much more. This book is unique in that it speaks directly to African Americans. Brown-Riggs, who is African-American, incorporates spirituality and the importance of paying attention to body, mind and soul in relationship to the health challenges of taking care of diabetes. She addresses the common social and religious situations African-Americans often face and offers strategies to deal with these situations balancing good diabetes care with practicality.

Brown-Riggs’ background as a dietitian and diabetes educator par excellence comes through loud and clear as she guides the person with diabetes to learn what to eat and what not to eat with tips for weight loss and becoming more active. Helpful sample meal plans and a handful of tasty, yet healthful traditional Southern and Carribean recipes are included.

Brown-Rigg’s warmth and passion come thru every page of this book. I know if she could she’d want to jump off the pages, take your hand and walk with you through your journey with diabetes. This book has been Favorably Reviewed by American Association of Diabetes Educators.