November 2, 2009

ADA Launches New Stop Diabetes Campaign - Share, Act, Learn, Give

Join the Movement: Stop DiabetesNovember is American Diabetes Month and the kick-off for a new campaign Stop Diabetes - Make Diabetes Powerless by sharing, acting, learning and giving. Check out Share your story or read others, separate myths from facts, and more.

As an ADA author I was asked to share why I want to STOP DIABETES. Here's a copy of my post on

I want to stop diabetes now! Why? As a dietitian who has counseled people with diabetes up close and with my books for more than 30 years, there are far too many children, as well as young and middle-aged adults on the road to type 2 diabetes who face a lifetime of medical costs and complications. Yet, most of these people don’t know it.

How can we stop diabetes? Researchers have unlocked the secret to stopping (or at least delaying) type 2 diabetes in its tracks. Simple yes, but oh so hard to do: lose weight and keep it off. Yes, it is particularly challenging in our fast-food, fast-paced world! But losing five to eight percent of your body weight can make a difference in your health.

Weight loss is most effective at stopping type 2 diabetes or delaying it 5 to 10 years. And the good news is losing these few pounds not only lowers blood glucose. Weight loss also lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol, helps you sleep better, provides more energy and a myriad of other benefits. Losing a few pounds is the best medicine. It can put years on your life and change in your pocket.

Don’t go looking for a magic bullet "diet." Take a lifestyle change approach. Set a few goals. Do it for you. Do it for your loved ones and friends. Do it for me. Together we can stop diabetes!